Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Party at casa Nicholson

Annie Nicholson just posted an update on Nick Nicholson's blog. If you follow the Filipino section on Dvdmaniacs you'll know that Andrew Leavold is once again back in the Philippines to do what it is he does in regards to Filipino cinema (basically everything to scoop up more info!). And over on Annie & Nick's blog you can read an account of their meeting, party and check the pix. It's been about thee months since Nick Nicholson passed away and it's definitely weird not to see any more of his blog updates, sometimes on films, sometimes on life in general, and sometimes wild posts about stuff that pissed him off. Good to see Jim Gaines was there too (I'm sure you're aware he was in tons of trashy Filipino Vietnam War movies and action movies like THE LAST HUNTER, STRIKE COMMANDO 2, ONE ARMED EXECUTIONER, and he's kept doing films when everyone else had chucked in the towel; He was in Mattei's ZOMBIE THE BEGINNING from 2007). For the update and photos go here. Thanks to Annie for keeping us updated.

I'm not sure if I should post this on my Lejemorder blog or the Filipino blog, so sod it I'll post it on both!

Please come back... I didn't mean what I said!!! Honestly!!!

I just checked Google Analytics and yesterday I had ZERO visitors! Not just on this blog but on all my blogs!!! Gee, what happened. O_O
Obviously a malfunction with Google but still an obscure reading, LOL.