Monday, July 15, 2019

Hanging at the CRYPT owl nite

I found an old cool music programme about Tim Warren and his label CRYPT RECORDS on YouTube. The show also included an OBLIVIANS interview + live footage, and videos by other bands on the label. It was broadcast (in English) on a German music TV channel called VIVA in 1996. Back in the old days, you had to upload longer programmes in shor 10 minute bits. In 2010 the uploader divided the approx. 50 min. show into five parts. Unfortunately, the truly anal copyright Gestapo police decided that parts 1-4 were objectionable (in reg. to copyrights I assume) and had to go (i.e. according to a later post by the uploader).

In order to keep the Crypt special on YouTube, in 2011 the uploader edited the 50 min. programme into two approx. 10 min parts and uploaded them leaving out the copyrighted music. However, when I discovered the programme (yesterday) it soon became clear that - without the uploader being aware of this - YouTube had reconsidered and let parts 1, 3 and 4 back on (part 5 was never censored). So now only part 2 was missing.

I had a look at the various parts and discovered that part 1 of the re-uploaded/edited part actually contained all the missing interview parts from the missing original part 2 (still missing the music videos, though). So I'm spending the night editing together a "complete" version of the show (it's missing a couple of music videos but the full OBLIVIANS and Tim Warren interviews are there + the OBLIVIANS live footage).

It was a pain but fortunately I had a pile of new LP's from Crypt to listen to while working (see my previous post). Ive been away for a few days and have only had the chance to listen to one of them so far (Reatards - "Teenage Hate") so I pulled out CHEATER SLICKS - "Skidmarks" + a second hand copy of THE RUNAWAYS debut LP I got a while back (but haven't really listened to). The Cheater Slicks record was great (needless to say). Runaways is ... fun, and interesting in a historical context (as several of the band members went on to have long careers in rock music, not least Joan Jett and Lita Ford), but I doubt the record is gonna get into my top 10 or even top 5000.

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