Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Yukari in action (but still looking cute tho!!)

Alright, we've seen Yukari Oshima on film sets so here's a scene of the lass in full action. This is from LETHAL PANTHER 2 (confusingly retitled Lethal Panther on UK vhs/dvd). This short scene contains more action than most American films in full!

PS: for more fun entertainment check the comments section. Talk about someone being uptight, LMAO.

what a bunch of disgusting bitchest. They killed that poor woman, massacred with a 100 bullets even though she was unarmed till blood came out her mouth!! piece of shit bitch panther!! no appreciation for womans' life. as if a woman is a peice of meat that can be rammed with bullets as her blood is enjoyed. Fucking snuff sadists. We should stop movies with slaughtering being made with or by women, its so enethically promoting to snuff. All killing is wrong but killing women is just so so wrong!

Stop, just, please STOP. My stomach is aching from laughing. Arhhh.

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