Saturday, January 21, 2012

the fast lane

I'm visiting my dad and I'd brought the usual pile of cool DVDs with me (one being Arrow's 2 disc release of Argont's OPERA which I recieved today as part of an Arrow Argento box with four films, and another being the original version of THE WOMAN IN BLACK). However, when I sat down and turned on the telly some *lame* mainstream movie called JANE AUSTEN BOOK CLUB had just begun on Swedish TV and I must admit got sucked into it. It was actually really good, all about, uhh, relationships between people and not a gun shop in sight. No messed up people either (like, in a criminal or mental way). And then I checked Swedish TV's teletext service and discovered they were going to show DONNIE DARKO right after - so yeah I stayed on the channel for a few hours. I've known about DARKO since it came out but altho it's been on TV quite a few times, and altho I've watched bits and pieces every times it's been on, I've never actually watched the whole movie. Well, I finally managed to do so and gee wauw what a dark og weird movie. In a good way, mind you. Oh, and I wasn't left completely without reference to "our" films as at one point in the film the main character goes to a screening of THE EVIL DEAD. What else? Hmm, we had kartoffelbåde and spicy chicken wings for dinner, and earlier today I received my new MASTODON cd. I've never bought any of their records before but I taped a live gig from TV the other night and it was really good. It was recorded last year at the Roskilde Festival in Denmark. One of the guitar players wore a lumberjack shirt. I don't think I've seen bands wear those since TAD or some such grunge band in the 90s. Oh, and I also went and got my income tax sorted out. The bastards wanted me to pay for of extra income that I don't actually get (since I'm on the dole once again). I'm also doing a mandatory job course at the local jobcentre. I got up late today (as I'd only slept four hours) and missed breakfast and had to run like a spassy to catch the bus. It's 3 in the morning and I really ought to go to bed. I haven't written much here for a while, sorry 'bout that. Everybody writes blogs or websites these days and I have a feeling no one reads it. Oh well. Who cares.


  1. Jo, der findes faktisk mennesker, der læser blogindlæg, men det kommer selvfølgeligt lidt an på, hvad de handler om. Skriver nogen 'The Woman in Black,' så er jeg der med det samme.

  2. - det er jeg naturligvis glad for! Men jeg tænker på alle de tonsvis af blogge og websites derude. Er der overhovedet nogen, der læser dem??? o_O

  3. Der er jo mange døde blogge derude, som nok har mistet læserne.

    Jeg overvejer stadigt at starte en skotøjsblog for at få nogle flere hits.

  4. Held og lykke med det. Arghhaha. xD
