Alright, it's been a week since I did a proper post (or semi proper post, or whatever). And I guess I'm just not a very good blogger. In order to do a successful blog you have to post almost every day... and I'm just way too lazy! So, in the words of that ol' Nico track: 'This is the end, my beautiful friend' this is indeed the end. Thanks to everyone who followed my ramblings. I won't delete this, I much prefer the idea of 'En lejemorder ser tilbage' drifting around aimlessly in Cyberspace like an old abandoned Mir space station.
Monday, December 17, 2007
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Danish blood, Turkish heart
Today I received even more more Turkish horror flicks on DVD from Bill of Onar Films in la belle Greece. This time I got GEN which Bill describes as a 'Turkish giallo'! He says it's gory too. Woo-hoo. And I got BEYZA'NIN KADINLARI, dead policemen, a serial killer, and what have you (hopefully great fun).
Non-Turkish: Then just before ten pm I went into Block Buster and found some cheap ones: A BITTERSWEET LIFE by Kim Jee-Woon. BON COP BAD COP (aka Good Cop Bad Cop) which I bought due to the simple fact that I've always been fascinated by Canada being this one country with two cultures, English and French, and the film deals with two cops, an English Canadian and a French Canadian. HOUSE OF BLOOD by Ittenbach. I have read zilch about it but the cover promises splatter galore! And lastly THE LOST BATTALION about a battalion that got lost (ha ha) during the Great War. Could be good. But then again it could be a piece o' shit. Oh well, they were all cheap (which doesn't help much since my bank account is in the red... and it's only the bloody 8th of December, argh!!). Oh, and I forgot to buy toilet paper. Bummer.
PS: Yes, the headline is a lame take on Morrissey's 'Irish blood, English heart'.
Non-Turkish: Then just before ten pm I went into Block Buster and found some cheap ones: A BITTERSWEET LIFE by Kim Jee-Woon. BON COP BAD COP (aka Good Cop Bad Cop) which I bought due to the simple fact that I've always been fascinated by Canada being this one country with two cultures, English and French, and the film deals with two cops, an English Canadian and a French Canadian. HOUSE OF BLOOD by Ittenbach. I have read zilch about it but the cover promises splatter galore! And lastly THE LOST BATTALION about a battalion that got lost (ha ha) during the Great War. Could be good. But then again it could be a piece o' shit. Oh well, they were all cheap (which doesn't help much since my bank account is in the red... and it's only the bloody 8th of December, argh!!). Oh, and I forgot to buy toilet paper. Bummer.
PS: Yes, the headline is a lame take on Morrissey's 'Irish blood, English heart'.
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Being a messy (medial condition, folks!!!)
That's it. I have to tidy up!! I heard this big racket coming from my loungeroom, I went in but couldn't figure out what had fallen down, tipped over, whatever!!! Bummer!!!
Hey hey hey!!! I got hold of the sequel to W (which I mentioned a few days ago). Got it cheap from some eBayer in the UK. And I received my BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER season two box today! It got thru customs without any hassles. And yes, every hardcore gore movie fan out there must despise me now! See if I care, ha ha.
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
A post in Greek
Nej, jeg lider ikke af sprogforvirring og er skam godt klar over, dette er dansk, men "græsk" på engelsk betyder (udover at være noget med bæsex) jo som bekendt også bare, at noget er uforståeligt, og det må dansk jo siges at være for engelsktalende. Jeg har godt nok hørt det der om, at vi, danskerne, eller rettere danerne, kunne tale med englænderne dengang for tusind år siden. Hvad fidusen så sku' ha været ved det har, jeg så lidt sværer ved at gennemskue: "Dø, dit anglosaksiske svin! Tag mit sværd i din hjerneskal, Ha, ha. Harald, hvor fanden stillede du min mjød! Arrrr!!" Sjovt nok at tænke på, at man på engelsk stadig kalder os "danere" [danes]. Oh well, "de er skøre de englændere", som Obelix ville ha sagt det, hvis han bloggede. I søndags besøgte jeg for første gang Hans-Jørn for en gang videosnak. Hans-Jørn er naturligvis gammel skribent fra Bloody Darlings (og jo, jeg har engang, før jeg lærte ham at kende, klandret ham i mit blad Stay Sick! for noget anmeldelse, og nej, det har han ikke glemt selvom det ligger syv år tilbage i tiden, ha ha). Ikke med videokigning, som den slags ellers gerne blir til, men blot en hyggelig dag og aften mellem inkarnerede samlere. Hmm, også selvom jeg da godt nok kommer til kort over for HJ's samling dér! Holdda helt ferie! Nils (Markvardsen) havde godt nok forlængst fortalt mig om HJ's museum af et videorum, meeen altså... man blir jo alligevel benovet. Det var lidt lissom at være i en kirke, ha ha. Vi kom også ind på Uncuts forum (altså talen kom ind på, ikke at vi loggede os ind på) og allerede i bussen på vej mod HJ's lejlighed nævnte HJ ham den weirdo, der havde haft de der tråde om provinsen og kærlighed i forummet! Ja, jeg var jo godt nok lidt paf! "Laver han sjov" tænkte jeg, "Har han ikke set tråden, hvor jeg smider sløret og afslører, at det er MIG, der er Gynther Meyer (som har lavet de tråde)!" Det var lidt surrealistisk, ha ha. Nå, men vi nåede så til lejligheden og HJ bryggede noget kaffe og så måtte jeg jo spørge: "Hey, du har pis på mig med det der med Gynther Meyer, ikke sandt!?" Hans-Jørn var eet stort spørgsmålstegne, og nej, det var sgu ikke gået op for ham at han i dét øjeblik stod overfor Gynther Meyer i egen person!! Ha ha ha. Det kunne ha været pinligt, men var det ikke, for både HJ og jeg er jo så fuldstændigt laidback, at den slags skider vi bare et stykke. Jeg er da flintrende ligeglad med, hvad folk måtte mene om mine tråde, hvad enten det er mine "normale" tråde skrevet som Jack J eller de mere "vilde" af Gynther Myer. Det sjove (læs: lidt sørgelige) er, at Uncut forum nu faktisk er blevet lidt stille, efter at jeg aflivede Gynther Meyer (og nej, det er ikke mig, der skriver kommentarer under pseudonymet her på siden. Det er... en anden). Gynther Meyer lever iø stadig videre ovre på det engelske forum Asian Dvd Guide, men er knap så aktiv. Hvis jeg var bange for, hvad folk måtte mene om mine tråde eller indlæg, så ville jeg jo nok ikke skrive dem. Hvad rager det mig, om folk fx synes, Gynther Meyers kærlighedstråd var for underlig eller langt ude. Sådan følte jeg nu at skrive og sådan blev det. Indrømmet, at skrive som Gynther Meyer var som at tage en rolle på, ligesom en skuespiller. Det er muligt, at jeg ikke selv ville have skrevet det heeelt på samme måde. Men her passede det, synes jeg. Det skulle ikke være for blævrende naivt eller "uhh, jeg er forelsket" eller sådan noget pinligt noget, ha ha (har jeg forresten fortalt, at der er en ny, sød pige på mit arbejde og jeg overvejer at have to kærester). Nå, men aftenen hos HJ gik over al forventning (ikke at jeg forventede, at det ville gå dårligt, you know wha'ah mean) og vi fik en omgang pizza sammen med HJs kæreste Sanne. Senere skar vi os i armen og blandede blod. Vi sang også forbudte sange fra det Tredie Rige og brændte nogle bøger af. Da HJ og Sanne begyndte at messe sataniske besværgelser blev det dog for meget for mig og jeg skred. Men en helt igennem herlig aften. Vi havde iø også prøvet at få Nils med, men den nidding skulle noget andet. Han burde naturligvis ha aflyst, men det gjorde han så ikke. Det skal blive husket! (ha ha ha). Jeg er jo som beskrevet i en tidligere post blevet fyret fra jobbet. Mine kolleger er vildt oprørte og taler om konspirationer og alt muligt. Jeg er ikke overraskende mit sædvanlige ligeglade jeg. "Hva' fanden rager det mig", ha ha. Om ikke andet får jeg vel tid til at lave et nyt nummer af Stay Sick! nu (som, for de af jer, der ikke lige er filmfreaks, er et undergrundsfanzine om horror- og trashfilm, jeg udgiver). Jeg fik også min SCORPION THUNDERBOLT-video fra Japan i dag! Jibii!! Den er godt nok ikke i letterbox, som jeg havde håbet (sælgeren havde tidligere omtalt den som lbx ifm et andet ex, men havde godt nok ændret det til fullscreen ifm mit ex, men jeg håbede, det ville være en fejl. Det var det så ikke lige. Oh well, man kan ikke få det hele, selvom det ville være meget rart (hence the two girlfriends remark!!). Jeg fik også en DVD fra Thailand (en irsk horrorfilm med titlen ISOLATION med nogle zombie-køer eller sådan noget). Den kostede 1 dollar (een dollar!!) + lidt i porto! Nå, men der var squ sådan noget hvidt pulver på DVD-kassetten. "Kokain" tænkte jeg først, men så slog det mig, at det nok i virkeligheden var miltbrand. En venlig skribent på Uncuts forum foreslog dog, at det nok er flormelis, fordi det jo snart er jul, så det er det sikkert, ha ha. Nå, men glædelig jul (på dansk!).
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Profile of a hitman
I updated my profile but I have a feeling nobody ever reads that shit and I blame it on all the other bloggers (yes, that's probably YOU!). Almost nobody writes anything in their profile which I think is completely retarded. I mean who wants to read a blog written by someone you don't know anything about. It makes relating to their writings difficult. Anyway, it's updated. Read and weep.
Friday, November 30, 2007
No one can hear you scream... in Cyberspace
Gee, sometimes when I visit my fave message-boards they're so void of activity that I'm wondering if I'm the only one left in Cyberspace. Has everyone else left? And if so where did they go?
Thursday, November 29, 2007
More better tomorrow
If were a woman I'd marry her right away. Hell, I may go to Hong Kong and marry Yesasia anyway! I've just received my long and very impatiently awaited 145 minutes version of A BETTER TOMORROW III. Yes, I said one hundred and forty-five minutes!! No, I'm not drunk or doing hard drugs. 1-4-5 m-i-n-u-t-e-s!!! The original theatrical print ran 111 minutes. Then there are DVD versions that run 119 minutes. The long Taiwan VHS runs 130 minutes and the mainland Chines print on WA DVD also runs 130 minutes but has a few different scenes. This Taiwan VCD has an additional 15 minutes and thus runs an astounding 145 minutes!!! And yes, I did say VCD (i.e. Video-cd). There's a DVD version of it but for some obscure reason it doesn't contain this longer print (credits were credits are due: I got some of this info from Asian Dvd Guide). I think I'm gonna write a day off and just start off with the cinema print, then continue with the 119 minutes version which I have on Zoke DVD from China, and then finish off with this new VCD, and then do comparisons. It'll probably take up an entire issue of my fanzine. Hmm, should I buy the 130 minute version as well?? Hmm, what to do, what to do, ha ha (and if you, dear reader, isn't a fanatical film freak you're probably going: 'What???', LOL). In the same pack from Yesasia I also got the Filipino film DARNA ANG PAGBABALIK which is the Filipino version of (the DC Comics superhero) Wonder Woman!! Yes, just like they had Superman in Turkey they had Wonder Woman in The Philippines!! Apparently there was a whole series of films. The one I got is the only one (I think) that has been released on DVD in Hong Kong (and thus has English subs). I also got a couple of Cheung Ling (aka Pearl Cheung) flicks. She also starred in the amazing WOLF DEVIL WOMAN and if you haven't seen that... do so as if your life depended on it!. Btw, did you watch my YouTube link from yesterday? If not do so! (yes, I'm being bossy today). It's Nina Hagen's version of Rammstein's 'Seemann' and it rules!
Der beste Seemann war doch ich
It's weird how different versions of a product can turn out so differently! MTV Denmark is just sooo boring but MTV Germany (+ Austria) is actually alright. Unfortunately, Danish MTV is as predictably mainstream as every fucking local radio station in Denmark. For instance, take an overly cool band such as Rammstein; This week German MTV is playing specials and live broadcasts three days in a row! I have never even seen o-n-e Rammstein video on MTV Denmark. And don't give me this: 'But they're German so obviously they're on German tv'. They are fucking famous everywhere! I'm sorry if you're a 13 y.o. Danish MTV viewer who thinks MTV DK is rad, cos I don't! I think it sucks. When Rammstein was playing tonight I switched over and Headbanger's Ball was on MTV DK with some heavy metal ZZ Top lookalike band that had a bunch of prostitutes on stage. Mein Gott, how come so many people think that is cool? Me, I'm sick to death with hores in music videos and this whole notion that paid sex is somehow 'cool'. No, it fucking ain't, asswhipe. And is it really that difficult to make music videos that are slightly more sophisticated, aye? I guess it takes more brains than your usual Headbanger's Ball band has (yes, I'm exaggerating so fucking sue me). It doesn't seem to be a problem to Rammstein though, nor whoever they hire to do their videos, I still have to see a bad Rammstein video! Yes, I know, a grumpy post, ha ha. My leg's getting better so everything is dandy. Oh except I got laid off today which is kinda interesting as that's never happened to me before. Oh well. It's not like I give a rat's ass, it was a crappy job anyway. Crappy pay, crappy work hours, crappy transportation back and forth, and crappy food. In total: Crappy! LOL. And then I haven't even mentioned all the times they tried to get away with not paying me what they owed me. Oh, well. What else is new in the world of Jack J?? Oh, yeah, I'm also so annoyed that I haven't got my stuff from DDDhouse yet. The good people, Johnny and Zse (I'm sure I misspelt that) sent if off three weeks ago but I still haven't received it which is a bummer!! I'm dead certain it's those fuck-faces at customs that are sitting on it. Or are spending time fondling each other's bottoms. Or something.
Monday, November 26, 2007
W (aka W is War)
At first they made MAD MAX II down under. Then the Italians ripped off Max by the bucket load. And then the Filipinos followed. What am I talking about? Post-apocalyptic films of course!! LOL. Sometime in the future - after WW III. Ha ha. W (aka W is War) is from the Philippines and it's very entertaining! Gangs of futuristic bikers are controlling the land. Well, sort of. And the Filipino version of Max has to stop them. Firstly, obviously, he has to build a Mad Max wannabe car, ha ha. Very cool indeed. And the chicks look better in this one. The funny thing with W is that in contradiction to the original Aussie film and all the Italo rip-offs director Willie Milan didn't actually bother trying to make the landscape and the cities look very futuristic when he made this back in '83. However, it's totally cool anyway and as I said it's very entertaining + violent, and some of the plot-line is just... unexpected (I'll do a proper review at some later stage in my mag). There's also a sequel entitled MAD WARRIOR (aka CLASH OF THE WARLORDS) which I simply have to find now. Of course none of them are out on DVD so you'll have to see you can can find an old video release somewhere (my version of W is from Japan). Very recommended!
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Metin Demirhan
I mentioned Metin Demirhan a couple of days ago and I'd just like to draw your attention to Bill of Onar Film's obituary.
Life worth living again

Ahh, tonight on eBay I won a much wanted Japanese VHS release of Godfrey Ho's fantastic cut n' paste flick SCORPION THUNDERBOLT Starring Richard Harrison! Back in the 80s Godfrey Ho invited American actor Richard Harrison to Hong Kong to appear in a movie. Ho shot a bunch of scenes and in later interviews Harrison has mentioned that he DID think they were all so very different that he thought it would probably become a very confusing film. What he didn't know is that Ho and his producer were screwing him over! They weren't making ONE film but several films! In fact A WHOLE BUNCH of films!! Most of them starring ninjas and many of them with 'thunderbolt' in the title. Ho & Co. (LOL) would take like 15-20 minutes of the footage with Harrison and splice it with either footage from an unreleased film, or from a film that did get a release but maybe had bombed. And so, viola, you have a whole pile of films you can sell for distribution! Among trash film freaks these films are known as 'cut n' paste' films. Obviously it's not hard to imagine that quite a few of these are ridiculously bad because... how could they not be! However, as with everything here in life whenever you take something and put it together at random, even though most of the result comes out crappy, you DO get that rare occasion when things not only fit - but fit tremendously well. And one such occasion is SCORPION THUNDERBOLT! It's such an entertaining piece of cut n' paste that it's almost like an unholy bastard spawned between a nun and the Devil that isn't supposed to be able to live in the mortal world... but it does. Ho spliced some of the craziest Harrison footage with footage from some old Hong Kong monster movie and... it just fits! I won't try and convince you this is high art or anything because... it isn't. BUT it is very, very entertaining. And now I've got this baby on (much) deleted Japanese video. It's never had an official DVD release anywhere in the world (there's a bootleg in the US that you can get thru Amazon with a so-so picture quality) and nothing could make me happier (well, actually lots could but you know wha'ah mean).
Friday, November 23, 2007
Surreal relations
Human relations are weird. I have this friend 20,000 K away. I haven't seen her for 6 years but she's my best friend in the world. She understands me completely despite the distance in both kilometres and time apart. Then I have this friend who utterly and completely disregards the existence of the Internet (no, I'm not making this up). We use to talk a lot over the phone but since he got a cell phone (instead of a house phone) that went down the toilet due to his being a cheap bastard. So now we almost only communicate thru text messages (and the occasional meeting every 5-6 weeks). Weird indeed. I know him and his habits well. And the same goes for my friend in that far away place on the other side of the world. But then on the other hand, I've come to know this other guy thru a horror movie message board with whom I have spoken to extensively about, ahm, love (yes, he's a guy and I'm a guy and yes we can talk about... that. And we're not gay). In contradiction to my other two aforementioned friends I have never met him, nor spoken to him, or know what he looks like. Or anything. Sometimes you think about whether a friendship would last if you stopped talking to each other and only wrote emails or letters. But then on the other hand, what if an email friendship were to end simply because you met and found out you didn't like you saw? Didn't like their looks. Or you found out the mano a mano chemistry just wasn't right? Or you discovered they had a bad body odour. Weird stuff to think about indeed. Or maybe you DID like them but never heard from them again because for some reason THEY didn't like you (obviously the aforementioned reasons wouldn't apply since yours truly has the looks of a Greek god and the smell of the most beautiful rose you could ever find in the garden of Eden). But weird stuff indeed. As I wrote in my post yesterday I spoke extensively with Diabolik of Cinehound Forum. Actually I met him years ago, only once and only for about ten minutes. We then 'met' at Cinehound... which is kind of odd seeing that Cinehound is located in Athens, Greece, which is a 1000 K away and we live within a hour's distance from one another. Anyway, we met and have spoken thru the Internet quite a bit but when we met in person recently at a film (geek) fan fair we hardly spoke. It felt kind of weird. But then, as I described in yesterday's post, we spoke at great length over the phone. Weirdness galore. And now we're going to meet again. Wonder how that'll turn out. I'm always hesitant towards people who talk extensively about boozing cos, well, I drink moderately not least due to fucked up health (check the 'about me' section for more info on that). I remember Mark Savage (of Melbourne fanzine 'Fatal Visions' fame) who spoke about Australians and alcohol during some interview in Fangoria (he's also a film maker) and he talked about how Aussies are such heavy drinkers that if you don't drink you are being looked upon with suspicion - which labeled him as suspicious since he doesn't drink at all. I know this other bloke, he's got tons of mates (and I'm one) but I recon he doesn't really have any true friends simply because he's always out and about doing something different, different to what he did just 5 minutes ago. He never stops and allows himself to get to know people, or let them get to know him. A pity really. Or is it? Am I in the wrong here, is it better to have heaps of mates instead of a few good friends. If your few good friends leave you or croak or something, then what's left. Wouldn't it have been better to have another handful of mates to replace the ones that left. No? All weird indeed. Oh, and my leg still hurts. I thought I'd be going back to work tomorrow but... I'm not. No way I'm gonna risk rupturing my poor thigh once again. Hmm, we were talking about friends weren't we! When I was a kid, in fact all thru my childhood, I had this friend, Ingmar, who would live with us thru out the entire summer. From I was 6 y.o. and for almost a decade. At some stage all that stopped and I haven't seen him for many years. Then 6 months ago I'm visiting my folks, the phone rings and my dad says: 'Hey, it's Ingmar!' I answered the phone and sure enough it was him at the other end. It was the weirdest thing ever. I mean, this wasn't a question of meeting or talking to an old adult friend that you haven't seen for a few years. This was talking to a man, an adult, that I had never spoken to before... as an adult. When we last spoke we were kids (or just on the brink of teenage-hood anyway). It was nothing less of surreal. And no less surreal due to the fact that the lingo of the old country was almost lost and... all very David Lynch'ian. But as I said before, starting off this post, different relationships are... uh, I don't know. I'm rambling. Maybe I should just cook some dinner. Be seeing you, mate. Or whatever.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Not one, not two, not even three... but FOUR hours!!!
Holy fuck! Diabolik from Cinehound forum rang me and we spoke for four hours!!! Oh man, than guy surely can talk. Han kan virkelig snakke Fanden et øre af! We got thru everything from ex-rental tapes to, well, everything conserning the VHS collector scene really. And everyone connected with that scene, LOL. End-result: we're hooking up next Sunday at his pad. Apparently (according to my mate Nils Markvardsen) he's got thee biggest mouthwatering ex-rental collection ever. Oh well, as Diabolik said, that doesn't really matter, what matters is talking to nice collectors. I can subscribe to that.
As I mentioned in an earlier post I'm staying home from work due to a ruptured muscle in my right thigh. It's getting better but it still hurts like hell, however, the worst part (no, not really) is not knowing why at all it began. I just have no idea! Anyway, my G.P. told me it would take at least a fortnight before I'd recover. Two bloody weeks! That may sound like heaven and all. You'd think it would be psychotronic movie overkill on my part but actually it isn't. Altho the pain is in my thigh it's almost as if I have the flu! I'm just not comfortable watching movies while being in so much pain. Yes, terrible!! As I've mentioned the last couple of days, I have watched a couple of movies but those did take twice as long to get thru due to my having to get up and stretch out due to the pain, or to go to the loo (due to having been in front of the tv set for so long) or whatever. Hopefully I'll be ready to go back to work on Saturday. Anyway, not all's totally horrible. I've got the fridge stocked up on lollies and I have enough coffee to survive any Italian post-apocalypse type third world war holocaust that may erupt!! Also, since there's only really two positions I can take without being in complete pain, one is lying down, it means I have to write this while being on my back (sure glad there's no web cams in the house). This is kinda okay... until you wanna I take a sip of your coffee and then spill it all over yourself! So what else happened today? Absolutely nothing. I exchanged a few text messages with my friend Heine and my almost-girlfriend Charlotte, I made a few posts at some film message boards, and my Dad rang but that was about it. No, wait, I also went out with the garbage and emptied the letter box. Exciting life when you're sick! To make myself feel a bit better I ordered the legendary Italo horror flick BLOOD AND BLACK LACE (by Mario Bava) from Amazon, altho my bank account is in the red. Oh well.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Karanlik Sular
Yesterday afternoon I also watched a pretty good Turkish horror film from Onar Films entitled Karanlik Sular aka The Serpent's Tale. I must admit quite a bit of it was so weird it bordered on being right our surreal, however, in my book that's nothing to frown at. I liked it quite a bit. An American in Istanbul meets a guy who apparently, in reality, is dead. And he meets the guy's mum, and there's a vampire girl, and stuff. Yes, I'm rambling but it was pretty good never the less. The DVD release from Onar was of Onar's usual good quality in the extra material department, however, unfortunately, the print wasn't as good as one could have expected from a pretty recent movie like this. And it had burnt-in English subs which I'd be pretty annoyed about if I were Greek (cos the DVD has optional Greek subs which means you have two on-screen sets of subs if you go for the Greek option). Otherwise a good release and, oh yeah, there's also an interview with the director (who says he's tired of the film, ha ha). Only, it's a little sad to see the interview now as it was conducted by Metin Demirhan who died recently way too young. My mate Ayman Kole (in Sydney and of Cinehound) was friends with him and from what I can gather he was the biggest expert on Turkish fantastic cinema. and he co-wrote the book 'Fantastik Turk Sinemasý' [Turkish Fantastic Cinema]. He was only 42.
Gong Tau
This afternoon I watched Herman Yau's latest film, GONG TAU - An Oriental Black Magic, which is sort of an updated take on Shaw Brother's BLACK MAGIC series (Black Magic 1+2, and the third entry Seeding of a Ghost). A policeman's wife is possessed by black magic, gong tau, and there's all kindsa stuff. Pretty gory, dark, and definitely one of the best Hong Kong horror flicks in a long time. Some Herman Yau fans have complained about it not being as extreme as EBOLA SYNDROME but fuck that I say! Not everything has to be EBOLA SYNDROME!! It's a different film ffs! Out on a pretty good HK DVD with decent subs.
No Time To Die
Alright, I was gonna write some more intro stuff about glorious meee but, ush, I couldn't be arsed tonight (no, not a very good start, ha ha). Anyway, I watched an entertaining (although not that good) Indo flick (i.e. Indonesian film) called NO TIME TO DIE. Actually it's a German Indonesian co-production filmed in Indonesia. It stars Barry Prima and Chris Mitchum. Advent Bangun (also an Indo film regular) was also in it. As I said, it was okay without being neither as wild nor crazy as the other Indo movies I've seen. It's very rare these days but I got hold of a Japanese VHS from a seller in Sweden who advertised for it at the Cinehound forum. Hmm, I guess I should tell you about Cinehound shouldn't I. But not tonight, baby, I'm tired!
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Does the world really need another blog!!!
Hello unknown reader out there in Cyberspace,
So'eh... this is my first entry, on my first blog. Spiiiffyy! I could've sworn I'd never do a blog. Actually I've never wanted to do a blog! And seeing all those lame people with lame blogs that pop up like mushrooms everywhere always made me want to avoid becoming a blogger even more so!
So why a blog now you ask. Hmm, ehh, lemme just think about that for a while, LOL.
No, well, actually it makes me think of an old The Pretenders track where Chrissie Hynde sings: 'Circumstance beyond our control' - and I guess that's sort of what happened. Thing is I met this woman a little while back and, uh, fell in love but there was all this stuff about her that I wanted to ask my good friend Michelle in Melbourne about but I couldn't get hold of her, so I thought: 'Sod it, I'll just ask my mates at this horror movie forum I hang out at (yes, I know; ridiculous if not right out daft to ask members of a gore movie forum about relationships! Feel free to mock me, ha ha).
Anyway, to cut a long and excruciating story short; I wrote this forum piece about how much of a price you should pay (i.e. give up and stuff) for true love (she's a fantastic woman but also... problematic) and I got all these replies (both as forum posts and PMs). It was a total surprise. I had figured that if I got two answers I'd be happy. But I got a whole bunch of answers and pieces of good advise from these gore hounds (all male). So I guess never underestimate gore hounds' ability to think of romantic entanglements, ha ha. Actually they were all very good and thoughtful (well, except one from some 19 y.o. kid, LOL).
Anyway, apart from the replies on my love life, a few also commented on my writing skills (in a pleasant way I mean) and so... after a while I began to consider the possibility to do a blog. And, well, here it be! If you check the 'about me' thingy you'll see stuff about what I like and what not. In contradiction to many other blogs this one isn't going to be about just one subject like a special type of films or music or a diary or what have you. It'll just be about just anything I feel like writing about. It was kinda the same when I started to publish my first fanzine, Banned in Britain, back in '94. My initial idea was to do a full-on splatter movie mag but soon I got interested in other entertaining film genres than just gory horror movies. Not least cool movies from Hong Kong (or Hongkong if you will) and so eventually I began to include all kinds of weird and strange movies.
And so that's what this here blog's going to revolve around as well. All kindsa stuff. Whatever I think fit to include here. Anyway, it's late and I'll finish off here. It's been a long day, I'm tired, I still wanna watch another film (I'm staying home from work cos I've got a pulled muscle in my leg (veery painful) and altho I've already watched one movie tonight it was a crap one so I wanna end the day with a (hopefully) better one! Bye for now. Oh, and welcome y'all to this my new blog. Feel free to comment on whatever. Or to send me free money or lollies. Or something. Your friend, Jack J.
So'eh... this is my first entry, on my first blog. Spiiiffyy! I could've sworn I'd never do a blog. Actually I've never wanted to do a blog! And seeing all those lame people with lame blogs that pop up like mushrooms everywhere always made me want to avoid becoming a blogger even more so!
So why a blog now you ask. Hmm, ehh, lemme just think about that for a while, LOL.
No, well, actually it makes me think of an old The Pretenders track where Chrissie Hynde sings: 'Circumstance beyond our control' - and I guess that's sort of what happened. Thing is I met this woman a little while back and, uh, fell in love but there was all this stuff about her that I wanted to ask my good friend Michelle in Melbourne about but I couldn't get hold of her, so I thought: 'Sod it, I'll just ask my mates at this horror movie forum I hang out at (yes, I know; ridiculous if not right out daft to ask members of a gore movie forum about relationships! Feel free to mock me, ha ha).
Anyway, to cut a long and excruciating story short; I wrote this forum piece about how much of a price you should pay (i.e. give up and stuff) for true love (she's a fantastic woman but also... problematic) and I got all these replies (both as forum posts and PMs). It was a total surprise. I had figured that if I got two answers I'd be happy. But I got a whole bunch of answers and pieces of good advise from these gore hounds (all male). So I guess never underestimate gore hounds' ability to think of romantic entanglements, ha ha. Actually they were all very good and thoughtful (well, except one from some 19 y.o. kid, LOL).
Anyway, apart from the replies on my love life, a few also commented on my writing skills (in a pleasant way I mean) and so... after a while I began to consider the possibility to do a blog. And, well, here it be! If you check the 'about me' thingy you'll see stuff about what I like and what not. In contradiction to many other blogs this one isn't going to be about just one subject like a special type of films or music or a diary or what have you. It'll just be about just anything I feel like writing about. It was kinda the same when I started to publish my first fanzine, Banned in Britain, back in '94. My initial idea was to do a full-on splatter movie mag but soon I got interested in other entertaining film genres than just gory horror movies. Not least cool movies from Hong Kong (or Hongkong if you will) and so eventually I began to include all kinds of weird and strange movies.
And so that's what this here blog's going to revolve around as well. All kindsa stuff. Whatever I think fit to include here. Anyway, it's late and I'll finish off here. It's been a long day, I'm tired, I still wanna watch another film (I'm staying home from work cos I've got a pulled muscle in my leg (veery painful) and altho I've already watched one movie tonight it was a crap one so I wanna end the day with a (hopefully) better one! Bye for now. Oh, and welcome y'all to this my new blog. Feel free to comment on whatever. Or to send me free money or lollies. Or something. Your friend, Jack J.
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