I've just bought George A. Romero's latest entry to his never-ending zombie tale; SURVIVAL OF THE DEAD. It's the UK DVD and you can get it cheap from Play.com (retailing at 7 Euros) and I must say I'm slightly disappointed. Usually I like to watch a film's trailer and some of the interviews. And it's cool to have the subtitle option. Well, you can forget any of that with this release; It has got NOTHING! O_O!! Nothing other than the film itself (obviously)!! No trailers, no interviews, no crappy advertising "documentaries", no alternative footage, or even English subs for the deaf (which I'd call hearing impaired if I were PC, so I don't). What a crappy release! And in addition to that some people even say the film sucks, haha (but obviously I'm gonna make up my own mind about that).
Gee, there's more extras in this post than on the DVD!!:/