Alright, it may be pop and shot on video but it looks like a fun splatter'y way to pass time. xD
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
THRILLER - cut, dubbed and subbed in Danish
Here's the über über rare Danish VHS release of THRILLER - A CRUEL PICTURE, or as it's known in Danish KAMPEN MOD MAFIAEN. And no obviously (sooo obviously) this tape isn't sitting on my shelf. If only. There's only one known copy and it's located in Sweden. LOL. I have the scan from a Swedish message board and I'm told the Danish tape is the cut and English dubbed version.
(Click scan for bigger size)
Thanks to Filminteressert of Uncut and Cinehound forums for making me aware of this scan.

Thanks to Filminteressert of Uncut and Cinehound forums for making me aware of this scan.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Thriller - A Cruel Picture

PS: No, you don't need to participate in the auction in order to watch the film as there's a really good reg. 1 DVD out. And in contradiction to the tape it's fully uncut (but be aware there's also an R-rated DVD. Make sure you get the right one, LOL).
Ghost of Guts Eater: SOLD!

The auction ended yesterday and an unnamed collector in Switzerland won it for the whooping price of 510 dollars. Not the highest price ever for a video tape but high enough. Apparently, the same collector also scooped up Lars' BLACK MAGIC WITH BUDDHA Hong Kong ex-rental VHS for $152.

Congrats to whoever that Swiss collector is (btw, a couple of years back I bought BMWB directly from TaiSeng in the US for ten whole smackeroos. Haha. But of course my tape is the sell-thru release and it doesn't have the rarity of an ex-rental tape (which also has a much, much cooler cover art work, that's for damn sure!!). The film and the version of it is entirely the same tho).
Read more about GHOST OF GUTS EATER in this old post.
Ghost of Guts Eater scans:
Top pic: The Thai poster. Middle pic: The Swedish VHS. Bottom pic: Custom made DVD cover done by some geezer Patrick knows. LOL.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
droPPing naMes

My friend from Copenhagen Nils Markvardsen (aka "the sleazy cowboy" aka Denmark's spaghetti western aficionado numero uno aka publisher of eXtase magazine!) went to the Fantastisk Film Festival a week ago in Lund, Sweden, and hooked up with Enzo Castellari (who directed Keoma, The Big Racket, The Inglorious Bastards, The Last Shark/Jaws, The New Barbarians, Bronx Warriors, and many more). Nils did a half hour interview with Castellari and promises we'll get to see in at some stage, probably online as he's not really working on a new ish of eXtase (boo-hoo!!). Great shot, Nils. "The nice gent and the Cuban freedom fighter" as I call this picture, haha.

And finally, completing the Scandinavian blog roll here (i.e. in that I mention a blog from each country, not that I mention every film blog in the Scan countries!), here's a pic of bearded Norwegian drunkard Patrick of Tales of a Bearded Movie Aficionado blog which has got one of the coolest blog logo pictures ever. Patrick also ventured to downtown Roma and shook hands with Cozzi two yrs ago.

Oh, and is the Swiss collector who just won GHOST OF GUTS EARTER from Lars Jacobsson really gonna pay for it when he finds out Lars cut the tape to pieces???

(click the scans for bigger size. In regards to the photos I wouldn't advise it though. xD)
Thanks to DSF for subscribing. More mesmerised members into my cult. Yay, spiffy!
I have no idea who is behind DSF but his blog is here and anybody who left a nice comment to "that" post almost four months ago is welcome on this blog. :o)
And I forgot to link to the Flying Maciste Brothers who subbed the other day: Destructible Man.
Quarantine (2008)

PS: Hello to the Flying Maciste Bros. Thanks for subbing. :o)
Saturday, September 26, 2009
No headline needed
Ohh, stop it, I can't take it, my stomach, hahaha. Oh man, is she for real??? Hahaha.
Friday, September 25, 2009
H-Bomb (1971) review
Heey, two days after my feeble attempt at a review Fred Adelman shows us how a real review of H-BOMB is supposed to look! Just go here. :o)
And do check out his site, Critical Condition. It's one of the (maybe thee) longest running review sites on the Internet as it actually started out as a real fanzine way back in the early 80s. Highly, highly recommended.
And do check out his site, Critical Condition. It's one of the (maybe thee) longest running review sites on the Internet as it actually started out as a real fanzine way back in the early 80s. Highly, highly recommended.

Thursday, September 24, 2009
Stoner aka A Man Called Stoner (1974)

In my parcel from DDDhouse yesterday I also received the DVD version of STONER (starring Angela Mao and George Lazenby) from FS/JS. I already have both the VCD version and the Danish VHS. And, uh, I'm still waiting for the DVD from PanMedia (yes some of you are going to hate me now, LOL).
Why all these releases? Have I got a STONER fetish or something? Ahh, no. LOL. However, there are no less than four different versions of the film! No shit!

And reportedly all four versions are edited differently!!!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009
H-Bomb (1973)

In 1972 Chris Mitchum and Olivia Hussey both starred in Antonio Isasi-Isasmendi's Italian/Spanish/French co-production SUMMERTIME KILLER. That film has become somewhat of a cult movie but actually already in
Edit: H-BOMB was actually made in 1973 after SUMMERTIME KILLER!
(See Andrew Leavold's comment at the bottom of this post)

I tried to get hold of this on video about a year ago when it was listed on eBay but lost out to another bidder. Well, good thing too cos I'm pretty sure all the old video versions are fullscreen (like the ones used for the Youtube clips) and guess what; Joy Sales just put out a fully letterboxed print!
I received my copy from DDDHOUSE in Hong Kong today and watched the movie right away. And what can I say other than it's great fun! It's a mess... but a fun mess, haha. One reviewer on IMDb writes:
[ ]...entire thing feels like it was edited by a bunch of blind chimpanzees...NO! Scratch that! DRUNK blind chimpanzees!
- and, uhh, that pretty much sums it up. LOL. However, just as that reviewer says later on in his review, H-BOMB is totally entertaining. A lot of stuff doesn't make sense but screw that; It's a fun movie! There, I've said it three times now!

The plot is about some crooks in Thailand having stolen a... wait for it... H-bomb! And they're basically up to no good. In addition to this they've bumped off the two best secret agents the US had to offer. What to do, what to do. Hmm, the US and the UN could have sent in troops, the terror squad, the local CID, the police, Scotland Yard, a whole army of secret agents. But no, they send in... Chris Mitchum. Hahaha. It's so fucken hilarious, I mean millions of lives are at stake here and they send in one single agent to solve the case (and they don't even tell the Thais so a couple of times our hero is about to get arrested!!).

Anyway, enough about the convoluted plot (which was most likely written on the back of a beer coaster). Suffice to say there's lots of action and of course Olivia Hussey is a babe. The print that Fortune Star/Joy Sales have released is as I mentioned earlier a good looking letterboxed print. Well, "good looking" in its being letterboxed but unfortunately it's an old scratched print that was used as a door-stop for 20 yrs. It's got a lot of scratches. As with so many of these releases from FS/JS's this one gets a VCD release way before we're rewarded with a DVD so that's all there is for now. But like I said earlier, even tho I haven't watched any of the old video releases this probably looks better than those due to its letterboxed status. There's only one audio track, which fortunately is the English dub (with Chinese subs in the black bar). Now, if this hadn't been so entertaining in a crappy, rough and even gritty way I might have been more annoyed by the fact that the two main actors are dubbed by someone else than themselves but it wasn't a big deal. There a bit of gore and nudity as well (one beheading and our friend Chris visits a bar with nudie dancing). Recommended!
From H-BOMB:
Pretty cool fan made trailer for SUMMERTIME KILLER:

ANDREW LEAVOLD's comment (posted in 2010) to my review of H-BOMB over on my Backyard Asia blog:
"Hi'll find the production date is around '73, after Summertime Killer. The Thai producers wanted to duplicate the success of Summertime Killer, and so imported its two stars (see the Chris Mitchum interview on Bamboo Gods). H-Bomb is Chris' first film made in Asia, followed by the Bobby Suarez productions Chinese Daredevil Commandos (abandoned), Cosa Nostra Asia (1973) and Master Samurai (1974)."
"Hi'll find the production date is around '73, after Summertime Killer. The Thai producers wanted to duplicate the success of Summertime Killer, and so imported its two stars (see the Chris Mitchum interview on Bamboo Gods). H-Bomb is Chris' first film made in Asia, followed by the Bobby Suarez productions Chinese Daredevil Commandos (abandoned), Cosa Nostra Asia (1973) and Master Samurai (1974)."
a: Hong Kong flicks,
Chris Mitchum,
Hong Kong,
Olivia Hussey,
Monday, September 21, 2009
Four Flies ever on proper dvd?
Here's a scan of the "legendary" English dubbed VHS bootleg release of Dario Argento's 4 FLIES ON GREY VELVET. The VHS is taken from a 16mm print. And no I don't have it (I have the German bootleg DVD that came out a couple of yrs back). Will we ever see a perfect release of this film. Fully uncut. Proper sound. Proper picture. It's ridiculous that while so much filler goes directly to DVD some of these much wanted films just either stay in limbo or get released as inferior, crappy versions. It's indeed enough to make a grown man boil his eyes out like a little Japanese schoolgirl. :o(

Saturday, September 19, 2009
The Mutilator (1984)

THE MUTILATOR (originally entitled Fall Break) is a totally enjoyable slasher flick about a group of youngsters who go to stay at a beach house during their fall break. The house belongs to one of the guys' dad. When the son was a kid he accidentally killed his mum (we see this during the beginning of the film) and *maybe* the dad is still mentally fucked up about it. Anyway, you don't need to be a rocked scientist to figure out what happens during their stay at the house - I mean I did mention it's a slasher. ;o)
As I said THE MUTILATOR is heaps of fun and there's some awesome gore scenes in it. Highly recommended.
When I do these blog posts they're not always made up on the spot. Sometimes I've had an idea for a while and sometimes even made up half a post even weeks before posting it. A little while ago I stumbled over this rabid horror movie fan on YouTube called Joe (aka J) who keeps uploading videos of his VHS collection! Yes quite fanatical, LOL, but that's alright. xD. Besides filming his own collection J is also a big fan of THE MUTILATOR and about a year ago he covered the film extensively; He did an interview with director Buddy Cooper, he had Cooper show him his basement (with equipment from the film, pretty cool when you think about how long it's been since the film was made, i.e. 1984), and he went to the two outdoor locations that were used for the film.
I'm posting all his videos here and if you're not a fan of the film, or haven't watched it, you might think it's overload, haha. But on the other hand if you have watched it and if you're a fan then I'm sure you're gonna enjoy all of this. Yes, it's all got that FAN VIBE to it but to me that's actually the ONLY way of getting to know something properly. Who gives a fuck about lame ass superficial write-ups when you can have something hardcore in-dept made by someone who cares for the genre! So check out this stuff, it's great fun and if you haven't already got it I suggest you get hold of THE MUTILATOR.
By the way, I mentioned at the beginning that there's no DVD release of this. If you make a search on Amazon UK you'll actually find a reg. 2 PAL DVD release from Vipco of the film, however it's a fucken bootleg. No kidding! And besides it's fucken cut so you're better off getting hold of an uncut VHS. Just beware, if you go for the US NTSC tape there are actually two different versions; an R-rated version and a fully uncut unrated version. My own tape is the uncut tape from Holland (on the "Video For Pleasure" label).
As I said earlier, I've wanted to do a post about this film for quite some time but since I've waited for so long needless to say someone beat me to it, haha. Mark from Phantom of Pulp blog wrote about his experiences with the film the other day. Mark used to work for a video company in Melbourne years ago and found himself in the INHUMANE dilemma of being asked to cut the film for violence! What a fucken nightmare (not least when you love gore movies like Mark does). Read his cool article "Mutilating the Mutilator".
J's interview with Buddy Cooper:
J & Buddy Cooper in Cooper's basement:
The Beach Cabbin location how it looks today:
The school location from the beginning of the film:
Posters & stuff:
Friday, September 18, 2009
The neue RAMMSTEIN Video is here!
Zum Teufel, hör Mal Kumpels, das neue Video von Rammstein ist dar und... it's, eh, slightly more raunchy than usually. xD Unfortunately I can't embed it but you can watch it here. And if you're like 10 yrs old or something you might wanna wait till your mum's out of the house and just listen to the music in this YouTube version instead until then:
Edit: mein gott, I hate copyrights!!! YouTube decided I shouldn't be able to watch the music-only version because I'm in a certain country!! But, I AM allowed to listen to the very same music if I choose this other version also on YouTube. Go figure. However, needless to say it's a censored version so use the link if you wanna watch the real version.
Edit: mein gott, I hate copyrights!!! YouTube decided I shouldn't be able to watch the music-only version because I'm in a certain country!! But, I AM allowed to listen to the very same music if I choose this other version also on YouTube. Go figure. However, needless to say it's a censored version so use the link if you wanna watch the real version.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
CATHARSIS. Tonight. Be there!!! (well, if you're in the neighbourhood, obviously)
I mentioned this a few days ago but I'll just say it again: If you find yourself in Athens tonight you MUST go and watch Fokion Bogris' new low-budget movie CATHARSIS! I wish I were there but unfortunately it's an outer-town event. About a 1000 K's out of town :o(
From left: Solonas Miyoko (stab victim), Fokion Bogris (director), Domenico Fusco (camera), Kostas Stefanakis (main character).
Oh, and Bill from Onar mentioned over on Cinehound that he actually has a small role in the film. And that he's dubbed. :D
He and Miltos of Cinehound will both be there.
Anyway, if you're in Greece this is where you wanna be tonight: "Nihtes Premieras" International Film Festival, DANAOS 2, Kifisias 109, Abelokipi, at 10.15 pm.

Oh, and Bill from Onar mentioned over on Cinehound that he actually has a small role in the film. And that he's dubbed. :D
He and Miltos of Cinehound will both be there.
Anyway, if you're in Greece this is where you wanna be tonight: "Nihtes Premieras" International Film Festival, DANAOS 2, Kifisias 109, Abelokipi, at 10.15 pm.
Esteban, a middle-aged ex cop, arrives at the city of Athens to stay with his uncle and look for a new job. He is broke and frustrated. A chance for a new beginning comes when the police chief tracks him down and asks him to take down the two of the most vicious crime syndicates in the city.
Starring: Kostas Stefanakis, Vangelis Mourikis, Christos Natsios, Vangelis Alexandris
Guest appearances: Yiannis Economidis, Kostas Xikominos, Tina Spathi, Nicholas Triantafyllidis.
Special Make Up FX: Disturbed Twins, Yiorgos & Roulis Alahouzos
Directors of photography: Bill Papas, Domenico Fusco Music: Cygnosic
Produced by Ground Floor Films
Written & directed by Fokion Bogris
The Expendables - the official trailer
Okay, you didn't reeealy think this was the official trailer, eh?
NB: Thanks to the nice guys from Sinematik (down Turkey way) for subscribing. Now please send me some free Cüneyt Arkin dvd's. :o)
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
The Expendables - bootleg trailer
Here's a bootleg trailer from the Venice Film Festival for the new Sylvester Stallone movie, THE EXPENDABLES. Everyone's favourite Swede Dolph Lundgren is in it. Yay!
EDIT: As you can see the bootleg video is no longer on YouTube. Bummer! I made sure to download a copy as soon as I posted it initially and I could upload it directly to Blogger but, uh, I think I'll refrain from that. No point in waving a red flag in front of a big ass company when you're skint. Haha.
Hmm, but actually I thought Cirio H. Santiago already made THE EXPENDABLES in the Philippines!! :o)
EDIT: As you can see the bootleg video is no longer on YouTube. Bummer! I made sure to download a copy as soon as I posted it initially and I could upload it directly to Blogger but, uh, I think I'll refrain from that. No point in waving a red flag in front of a big ass company when you're skint. Haha.
Hmm, but actually I thought Cirio H. Santiago already made THE EXPENDABLES in the Philippines!! :o)

Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Death Wish 2 uncut.
De Dødes Tjern - the DVD cover is here
The new cover for the upcoming DVD release of the very spooky Norwegian horror movie DE DØDES TJERN (1958) is here!

I must admit I prefer the old VHS cover:

Since the Norske Klassikere (Norwegian Classics) series isn't selling that well some fans are speculating that the film may not be restored or anything. But, hey, at least it's gonna be on DVD and easy to get hold of. Hopefully it'll have some kinda subtitles. Release date is October 14th. :o)
EDIT: Alright alright, stop hassling me! I've seen my misled and wrong ways and I too think the new cover is much better than the old one!

I must admit I prefer the old VHS cover:

Since the Norske Klassikere (Norwegian Classics) series isn't selling that well some fans are speculating that the film may not be restored or anything. But, hey, at least it's gonna be on DVD and easy to get hold of. Hopefully it'll have some kinda subtitles. Release date is October 14th. :o)
EDIT: Alright alright, stop hassling me! I've seen my misled and wrong ways and I too think the new cover is much better than the old one!
Monday, September 14, 2009
The Jolly Boys ripping it up in the best Danish film ever
Yeah, here's THE JOLLY BOYS ORKESTER doing the surf in STENBROENS "HELTE" from 1965. STENBROENS "HELTE" is a psychotronic juvenile delinquents masterpiece no less! It was directed by Poul Nyrup and altho only his third film unfortunately it also became his last. Poul Nyrup is our psychotronic pride of Denmark. Needless to say most of Denmark still refuses to even recognise these films' existence and none of them are on official DVD (but ask and ye shall find).
Thanks to Kenno for uploading this!
If you wanna know more about Nyrup and his films here's an old article I wrote 6-7 yrs ago. Oh, I hope you read Danish. :/
Thanks to Kenno for uploading this!
If you wanna know more about Nyrup and his films here's an old article I wrote 6-7 yrs ago. Oh, I hope you read Danish. :/
Lady Exterminator (the Hong Kong film!!!)
In 1977 Shaw Brothers made a sequel to their DRUG CONNECTION (on Celestial dvd as Sexy Killer) called LADY EXTERMINATOR (not to be confused with the Indonesian films Lady Exterminator or Lady Terminator). Some fans seem to believe THE DRUG CONNECTION and LADY EXTERMINATOR are the same film. But they ARE two different films, LADY EXTERMINATOR being a sequel to DRUG CONNECTION.
If you check the two films on HKMDb they have different separate entries, different posters, different credits, different Chinese titles, and different year of production.
Anyway, there is someone in Germany who has uploaded the first few minutes of LADY EXTERMINATOR to Youtube. The print looks like it's from a real cinema print. It's very scratched, dubbed in English and has two sets of subtitles of which one is Arabic! Maybe the uploader owns a real film print. I've written to him but haven't received any reply. Either he's away on holiday or he may want to keep his secret film to himself. I don't know but I'd love to get a copy. Do any of you have a copy of this film??? Or even just know anything about it??? Thanks.
Intro credits for DRUG CONNECTION aka Sexy Killer:

Director: Sun Chung
Script: Sze-To On
Producer: Sir Run Run Shaw
Yueh Hua
Chen Ping
Chung Wa (1)
Derek Yee Tung-Sing
Shirley Yu Sha-Li
Shut Chung-Tin
Wa Lun
Zheng Lou-Si
Jamie Luk Kim-Ming

Director: Sun Chung
Script: Ni Kuang
Producer: Runme Shaw
Chen Ping ... Gao Wanfei
Yueh Hua ... Deng Weipin
Tung Lam ... Corporal
Si Wai (2) ... He Jingye
Wang Hsieh ... Drug Lord
Tin Ching (1) ... Ma-Yuan
Chan Shen ... Long Tou
Yeung Chak-Lam ... Third Brother
Tsang Choh-Lam ... Ballroom Cleaner
Wong Mei (1) ... Thug
Hsu Hsia ... Thug
Wong Pau-Gei ... Thug
Lee Chiu (2) ... Thug
Corey Yuen Kwai ... extra
Kong Yeung (4) ... Sergeant Zhangze
Lee Pang-Fei (1) ... Leifan
Chin Chun ... Doctor Jin
Lin Wen-Wei ... Wei
Lam Fung (2) ... Chicken Leg
Ko Hung (2) ... Drug Producer
Lau Jun-Fai ... Thug
Lam Yi-Wa (1) ... Jingye's Mistress
Lau Kwok-Shing (1) ... Liu
Mai Laan ... Gao Wanjing
Angela Yu Chien ... Margaret
Lee Hang (3) ... extra
Sze Wan
Kong Chuen (3) ... extra
Man Man (3)
Unknown SB-Actress(2) ... nurse
And here for your amusement: A major fuck up from a bootlegger: The idiots have put out a bootleg dvd with the INDONESIAN film LADY EXTERMINATOR (starring Eva Arnaz) but they obviously got most of the pictures from HKMDb not realising it was a different movie from a different country, hahaha. Why they didn't discover the mistake (considering they actually not only have a picture of Eva Arnaz on the cover but also the alternative title for the Indo film I Want To Get Even) is... beyond me.
If you check the two films on HKMDb they have different separate entries, different posters, different credits, different Chinese titles, and different year of production.
Anyway, there is someone in Germany who has uploaded the first few minutes of LADY EXTERMINATOR to Youtube. The print looks like it's from a real cinema print. It's very scratched, dubbed in English and has two sets of subtitles of which one is Arabic! Maybe the uploader owns a real film print. I've written to him but haven't received any reply. Either he's away on holiday or he may want to keep his secret film to himself. I don't know but I'd love to get a copy. Do any of you have a copy of this film??? Or even just know anything about it??? Thanks.
Intro credits for DRUG CONNECTION aka Sexy Killer:

Director: Sun Chung
Script: Sze-To On
Producer: Sir Run Run Shaw
Yueh Hua
Chen Ping
Chung Wa (1)
Derek Yee Tung-Sing
Shirley Yu Sha-Li
Shut Chung-Tin
Wa Lun
Zheng Lou-Si
Jamie Luk Kim-Ming

Director: Sun Chung
Script: Ni Kuang
Producer: Runme Shaw
Chen Ping ... Gao Wanfei
Yueh Hua ... Deng Weipin
Tung Lam ... Corporal
Si Wai (2) ... He Jingye
Wang Hsieh ... Drug Lord
Tin Ching (1) ... Ma-Yuan
Chan Shen ... Long Tou
Yeung Chak-Lam ... Third Brother
Tsang Choh-Lam ... Ballroom Cleaner
Wong Mei (1) ... Thug
Hsu Hsia ... Thug
Wong Pau-Gei ... Thug
Lee Chiu (2) ... Thug
Corey Yuen Kwai ... extra
Kong Yeung (4) ... Sergeant Zhangze
Lee Pang-Fei (1) ... Leifan
Chin Chun ... Doctor Jin
Lin Wen-Wei ... Wei
Lam Fung (2) ... Chicken Leg
Ko Hung (2) ... Drug Producer
Lau Jun-Fai ... Thug
Lam Yi-Wa (1) ... Jingye's Mistress
Lau Kwok-Shing (1) ... Liu
Mai Laan ... Gao Wanjing
Angela Yu Chien ... Margaret
Lee Hang (3) ... extra
Sze Wan
Kong Chuen (3) ... extra
Man Man (3)
Unknown SB-Actress(2) ... nurse
And here for your amusement: A major fuck up from a bootlegger: The idiots have put out a bootleg dvd with the INDONESIAN film LADY EXTERMINATOR (starring Eva Arnaz) but they obviously got most of the pictures from HKMDb not realising it was a different movie from a different country, hahaha. Why they didn't discover the mistake (considering they actually not only have a picture of Eva Arnaz on the cover but also the alternative title for the Indo film I Want To Get Even) is... beyond me.

Sunday, September 13, 2009
Live on oldskool cassette

I received this brilliant live cassette by THE UNDERTONES. It's entitled "Live 1980" and needless to say it's a bootleg tape. Some of you youngsters might not even know about this but in the old days there were no CD's, CD-r's, or even computers. All we had was cassette tapes! That's right; no dvd's, cd's, widescreen tv's, or even postal service. And we had no electricity in the houses. Anyhoo, I won this old rare live tape on eBay. In the description the seller said: "New inlay Card has been made - original lost or damaged", haha. Obviously I smelled a rat right away but I still placed a bid cos I wanted the recording. Now I've got the tape (which I won for very little) and sure enough; the tape is brand new and the ink on the inlay card is so fresh you can still smell it. LOL. Anyway, it's a way cool recording; there's really nothing that beats Fergal Sharkey when he rips into Teenage Kicks. The track has been covered by countless of bands (just try and make a YouTube search!) but NONE of them are worthy of washing the original version's underwear! Sorry, but the Green Day version might as well have been sung by a couple of sheep, that's how lame it is. The two live sets on the cassette were recorded in Amsterdam and London (1980) for radio broadcast.
And here's a blog edit.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Massacre Mafia Style
Moddarfukkar! MASSACRE MAFIA STYLE (1975) is coming out on DVD for the first time ever - but only in 500 copies! Check out this awesome (and very violent) opening scene (it's also aka The Executioner aka Like Father, Like Son).
The trailer:
And here's the cover for the Danish ex-rental VHS:
(Click cover for bigger size)
Apparently, Denmark is one of the very few places where MASSACRE MAFIA STYLE was released on VHS.
Thanks to Jared of Worldweird Cinema for the tip.
The trailer:
And here's the cover for the Danish ex-rental VHS:

Apparently, Denmark is one of the very few places where MASSACRE MAFIA STYLE was released on VHS.
Thanks to Jared of Worldweird Cinema for the tip.
Friday, September 11, 2009
CATHARSIS - trailer
My mate Fokion Bogris has been working on his low-budget film CATHARSIS forever and it's finally finished. If you're in Greece go watch it next Thursday when it'll be showing at the Athens International Film Festival. Here's the trailer with English subs (they're not burnt in, you put them on by clicking the little arrow in the bottom right corner). It looks great and I wish I were in downtown Athens. :o(
Edit: Oops, due to Blogger not having adjusted the video window for widescreen it cuts off some of the right part of the screen. You're better off watching this on YouTube. :/
Edit: Oops, due to Blogger not having adjusted the video window for widescreen it cuts off some of the right part of the screen. You're better off watching this on YouTube. :/
Esteban, a middle-aged ex cop, arrives at the city of Athens to stay with his uncle and look for a new job. He is broke and frustrated. A chance for a new beginning comes when the police chief tracks him down and asks him to take down the two of the most vicious crime syndicates in the city.
Starring: Kostas Stefanakis, Vangelis Mourikis, Christos Natsios, Vangelis Alexandris
Guest appearances: Yiannis Economidis, Kostas Xikominos, Tina Spathi, Nicholas Triantafyllidis.
Special Make Up FX: Disturbed Twins, Yiorgos & Roulis Alahouzos
Directors of photography: Bill Papas, Domenico Fusco Music: Cygnosic
Produced by Ground Floor Films
Written & directed by Fokion Bogris
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Heey, it's my old SODS tape with Lydia Lunch!!!
In 1984 I taped a documentary off Danish TV (on Betamax tape no less) about the Danish underground band SORT SOL, back then also known as Sods. The docu is entitled OMKRING EN SORT SOL - ET PORTRÆT AF SODS. On Sort Sol's third LP, Dagger & Guitar, they had two tracks which featured New York no-wave queen LYDIA LUNCH. I've kept the tape all these years and last year some Lydia Lunch fan in Spain saw one of my posts on Dvdmaniacs where I referred to it and he wrote me and asked for a copy. He got the copy, never bothered to pay me or even say thanks, but now - lo and behold - some guy in CANADA has just uploaded the part with Lunch from my tape (yes, I recognise the worn tape, LOL). So despite the impolite Spanish dude it's nice that it's finally out for everyone to see.
Sort Sol (aka Sods) featuring Lydia Lunch on the track "Boy/Girl" from "Omkring en sort sol - et portræt af Sods" (from DR TV, Denmark, 1984)
The cover for the "Dagger & Guitar" LP from 1983.

(click the covers for bigger size)
Sort Sol (aka Sods) featuring Lydia Lunch on the track "Boy/Girl" from "Omkring en sort sol - et portræt af Sods" (from DR TV, Denmark, 1984)
The cover for the "Dagger & Guitar" LP from 1983.

(click the covers for bigger size)
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