I don't know how many times I've watched WOLF DEVIL WOMAN through out the years, I lost count long ago. If there's ever been a film to which the term "no-holds-barred over-the-top wild & crazy batshit cinema" applied then this is it!! The version I've had in my collection for the last few years is the HK released VCD which comes with two audio tracks; dubbed into English (!!!) and Mandarin. I have never before or after come across a HK VCD that carried the English dub track. Anyway, it'll be fantastic to own a proper (legit) subtitled release (I may already have a bootleg from Trash Palace, LOL).
The very first time I learnt about the existence of WOLF DEVIL WOMAN was when the premiere issue of "Asian Trash Cinema" came out in 1992, and Thomas Weisser wrote in his foreword:
"I remember the happy day when I first discovered joys of Chang Ling's Wolf Devil Woman. It was a cold December afternoon in 1985, during a Saturday afternoon blitz of video stores, that I came face-to-face with the unusual Ocean Shores package. Even though the video tape was stickered as Martial Arts, it had been misfiled in the "Horror section" (obviously, the store didn't know what to do with this genre hybrid). And I decided to take a chance. I mean, "What the hell..." Right?
That night, as I watched the movie, dumbfounded, with a group of friends, I kept raving: "I'm seeing it, but I don't believe it!" Wolf Devil Woman was frenzied cinema. Its vivacious attitude hooked me. I became possessed."
[from ATC #1]
I must admit Weisser's description is spot-on! "Frenzied cinema"; too right!!! That scene where the wolf woman cuts herself in order to kill a fire with her gushing spraying blood... is just INsane!!! And I would have a big smiling smiley here if Blogger provided one.
Hey Jack, another Great pick up. A bizarrely brilliant fantasy flick starring the Incredible Pearl Cheung. Now aren't there two unnoficial sequels to this as well, also featuring Pearl ?. Matching Escort (1983) & Phoenix Wolf Ninja (1984) - hilariously has amongst the cast a guy named Fatty Kock !!!. I kid you not :) .
ReplyDeleteCongrats! This looks fun! Fun as hell! So enjoy watching Fatty Kock and the other people. You need to give me a heads up the next time you find a copy of this, Jack.
ReplyDeleteYeah, those are the two (kind of) sequels. I don't think any of them come close to WOLF though, but they're fun.
I think I only have the latter one on unsubbed VCD, and the first one on Eng. dubbed reg.1 dvd. Hmm, or is it the other way round, haha.
ReplyDeleteHahaha. Sorry, I'm not laughing at you but... I have been on the hunt for that VHS for such a long time and the ONLY reason I'm able to get it now is because Lars (in Malmø) saw that I own a rare Danish VHS he's dying to get. I have never seen it on eBay or anywhere else. But I'll let you know if I see one.
I kind of understood that, SO DON'T LAUGH AT ME! The Danish are so rude ;)
ReplyDeleteI think you'll get more out of this then HELGA SHE WOLF OF SPILBERG. Not that I've seen it, but this seems much more fun.
Haha, I actually started off saying I wasn't laughing at you! But at the fact that this is so hysterically rare that I may never come across another copy.
ReplyDeleteAnd thanks. I'm sure I'll be much more happy with this one. I'm a collector sure but at the end of the day it's the movies themselves that count the most. I'm a film fan more than I'm a VHS collector, and I'm definitely going to chose a film I really care for than one which just happens to be rare (but which in reality is no more than a pretty lame take on the ILSA movies).
Yeah, that's what it seems like. Most movies that are only on VHS get slightly overrated, I think. But there is also a lot of VHS that SHOULD be on DVD. And now I think that WOLF DEVIL WOMAN should be one of them! Fuck I want to see this now. Haha.
ReplyDeletePatrick, the entire film can be watched on YouTube. Here's a link:
Haha, awesome. Thank you, Paul.
ReplyDeleteI never watch movies this way, but when they are so hard to get I won't think a second about it. I'll grab a few beers, danish beer actually ;) and enjoy this movie right now!
Thanks again Paul.
Nice blog btw.
You can't be serious! :-O
ReplyDeleteWatching the odd trailers and stuff on YouTube is fine but watching a full movie in that shitty quality is not my kind of fun. Pixelation galore!
I'm sure you can find somewhere to download a much better version.
(unless of course it's been uploaded to YouTube in their new HQ format)
Pleasure Patrick. I don't like sitting at the computer watching for any real duration either, but as you say this is one of those exceptions. Hope you enjoy.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the positive feedback on my Blog, its a new venture but one I'm hoping to deliver the movie goods on quite regularly. Should be lots to interest you as I notice that Jack has already been a positive influence on you with the Eighties Actioners. Paul
The beer is innabords and the movie is on. Ssssh, I hate when people talk when I'm enjoying a movie. Like I said Jack, I never do this, but now I have to. Yes, you can probably download it and get a bit more quality, but I'm excited right now, so don't kill my buzz :)
ReplyDeleteAlright, I just watched a bit of it and maybe I was too quick there. It look (kinda) okay. Alright, Patrick, go for it then. :-)
ReplyDeleteHaha, I won't kill ya buzz. Have a nice night up there in the fjelds.
ReplyDeleteHey all this Jive talkin' has hit your comments through the roof Jack. Let's all crack open a beer & let Pearl show off her Wolfy wisdom for Patrick :) . Paul
LOL. fine by me, Paul. I'll just pop this open {crack} and I'm ready to go. :-) :-) :-)
ReplyDeleteAfter 5 beers, 3 cigarettes and Wolf Devil Woman I am a new man!! I LOVE IT I LOVE IT I LOVE IT I LOVE IT I LOVE IT! This is one of my all time favorites. It's just amazing. Best time I've had in a long time.
ReplyDeleteWho needs Fatty Kock eh !!! LOL. Sounds like a winner all round Patrick. It's a wild experience is The Devil Wolf Woman. Sounds like the YouTube showing was okay. Looked like the English language version & quality that I have on disc. Have a Great weekend guys. Paul
Good to hear you liked it heaps, Patrick! It's been one of my favourites for a long time now. Initially, I got hold of a VHS dupe back in the 90s simply because I read Thomas Weisser's description of it in ATC!
ReplyDeleteAbout this version; well it could have been either from VHS or VCD but since it was pixelating all over the place my bet is it was from the VCD. It's never been released on legit DVD.
Cheers, Paul, you have a nice weekend, too.
Last nights events here made quite an impression on Patrick:
Now that's one insanely deliriously happy chappy I'd say. Made me chuckle reading Patrick's obvious joy with The Wolf Devil Woman.
ReplyDeleteNow where did I put my Abba collection :) . bb
LOL. You can say that again.
ReplyDeleteI'm usually not a happy fella, since I live in the dark and satanic forests of Norway. But WOLF DEVIL WOMAN made me happy :) Haha.
ReplyDeleteLet's all break out our ABBA collection and groove.
Thanks for sharing my experience Jack ;)
A 'Bjorn' again Wolf Devil Woman follower. Does it get any better !? :) .
ReplyDeleteI actually saw Björn and Benny being interviewed on the BBC the day before yesterday and when they got the OBLIGATORY question they said: "We're old men, it wouldn't be the same", haha.
ReplyDeleteYou have to respect Abba for sticking to their word. A truly Great group. Very pleased that they have never given in just for the Money, Money, Money ;) .
ReplyDeletei have both dubbed versions of this film. funny thing is the better dub is on a Puerto Rician VHS a country known for speaking spanish