Check out the covers for this German fanzine called Creepy Images! It's a horror magazine but in contradiction to all other zines it doesn't deal with movies but is entirely devoted to posters, lobbycards, and whatever else merchandise. Pretty fucken cool if ya ask me!!
I've just ordered issue #1 and unless it sucks totally (which I'm pretty sure it WON'T) I'm gonna order the other issues as well when I get some dough. So far there's four issues out. As I mentioned, it's from Germany, however it's all written in English! Check the cool covers and the example pages. The guy behind the mag also runs a very cool poster/lobbycard online store called Classic Movie Posters. Check them out here (there are both German and English options for the site) but be quick cos he's actually in the process of shutting down the shop as he wants to spend more time on another (real) job, his kid and nagging wife. Or something. The zine is gonna continue, though. The four issues are all in print and available from his eBay store. Ten bucks a piece plus postage. Get more info about the contents from the Creepy Images homepage. And the eBay store is here. Tell him who sent you and ask if he can send me some awesome posters for free. Cheers.

I have all four issues, and they're all excellent.
ReplyDeleteDamn, those zines look good - I´ll have to check them out some more... Thanks for passing on the info...
ReplyDeleteYou're welcome, Abra. Either the editor paid thru his nose or he's friendly with the printers but you're certainly right they sure look stunning.
ReplyDeleteCool, Jocke!