This week I bought a pile of ex-rental (and a few sell-thru) tapes from a collector on Uncut.dk forum. They're of course all cool tapes but these three are by far the ones I'm most happy about. I might even say overly stricken by joy! xD xD xD
The top tape is one of my favourite blaxploitation flicks, J.D's REVENGE about this black gangster dude who comes back from the dead to seek revenge. I already have a fine DVD release but I much neeeeded this über rare tape when I saw it was up for grabs!!

- and this tape is also an old blaxploitaion classic, Fred Williamson's HELL UP IN HARLEM! I already have the film on a video tape from Holland but... do I need to repeat myself (LMAO)... this is overly, überly, flabbergastically, rare and I had to have it! Simply haaad to.

- the last one is without a doubt thee most rare of thees taespe... mouth... won't wrok... aarghhh... this tape is so rare it's like finding an ice cold can of 7UP in the dessert!!! Not only is this release mega rare on it's own but this is a Video2000 release!!! I'm 300% convinced this is the only copy left in this world!!! Arrrgh.
Oh, did I forget to mention which film it is, haha. It's Bobby A. Suarez' DEVIL'S THREE starring Marrie Lee. It's a kind of sequel to THEY CALL HER CLEOPATRA WONG.
Many thanks to Maratonman for this awesome trade!!!
Og som sædvanligt, når jeg læser om dine seneste erobringer, føler jeg min egen samling er uinteressant.
ReplyDeleteEt par negerfilm og noget filippiner-sjask overfor dine hylder med spændende cinema noir-film?? Efter hvad din blog vidner om, er din samling vist ikke helt så uinteressant endda. :D
ReplyDeleteMen dine film er ikke sådan nogle der ligger og flyder i alle genbrugsforretningerne.