It a very rare movie which only exists on über-rare VHS in Japan and on rare DVD/VHS in Germany. Unfortunately, I don't have the Jap. VHS but at least I got hold of the German disk. Unfortunately, the DVD only holds the German dub (the VHS is English dubbed) and the picture quality is terrible, anyway, regardless, it was a cool fairy tale movie experience that's for sure! 130 minutes of monsters, evil witches, bad kings, wild scenes, and a 10 y.o. heroic kid. haha. Good stuff. Oh, and some of the music is stolen from the German war movie DAS BOOT!!! (how did they get away with putting this out on DVD in Germany without getting their asses sued off??). Rosemarie Gil is in it too (you know; the snake chick from DEVIL WOMAN). There's not a trace of blood or gore but in this movie you don't really need it (it would have been better tho, LOL). Recommended (if you can find it!). I got my DVD from German Amazon.
PS: The cover is from the Japanese VHS. The German cover is simply too crappy to show here!! If you MUST watch it then go here
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