Sunday, August 2, 2009

Mordets Melodi (1943)

I've watched this Danish Bodil Ipsen directed horror/crime movie twice during the last two days and I almost wanna watch it again. It's a crime against all humanity that this film isn't released anywhere other than as a non English friendly Danish DVD. Anyway, for those of you who can enjoy it this shiny disc contains a beautiful crisp clear restored print (other Scandinavians might like to know it does have Danish subtitles).

The IMDb lists the English title as "Murder Melody" but I have no idea if that's the correct English title or a title translated by some Danish baboon who thought he'd provide an English title.

[click scan for bigger size]


  1. Flovt, jeg aldrig har set den.

    VideoNetto kan fortælle, den er med dansk tale, og det er jo altid rart i en dansk film.

    Ku' ellers være sjovt med Ib Schønberg på mandarin.

  2. Åhr, jeg har også selv først set den nu for første gang. Og det takket været et tip fra et dansk medlem hos Dvdmaniacs.

    Ib Schønberg på mandarin? Tjo, måske ikke så tosset endda. LOL.
